Dead Freight Agreement Definition

Dead Freight Agreement Definition: Understanding the Basics

If you work in the shipping and logistics industry, you might have come across the term «dead freight agreement». But what does it actually mean, and how does it impact your business? In this article, we`ll explore the basics of dead freight agreements and what you need to know about them.

What is a Dead Freight Agreement?

In simple terms, a dead freight agreement is a contract between a shipper and a carrier that defines the terms of payment in case of unexpected cancellations or underutilization of cargo space. In other words, if the shipper fails to provide the agreed-upon amount of cargo, the carrier is compensated for the «dead freight» space.

For example, let`s say a shipper books a container ship to transport 1,000 metric tons of goods. However, on the day of departure, the shipper only delivers 800 metric tons of goods, leaving 200 metric tons of cargo space unused. In a dead freight agreement, the carrier is entitled to compensation for the 200 metric tons of «dead» space that was not utilized.

Why Do Dead Freight Agreements Exist?

Dead freight agreements are designed to protect carriers from financial losses caused by underutilization of cargo space. If a carrier books a ship but is unable to fill it to capacity, they may face significant costs for fuel, crew, maintenance, and other expenses. Without a dead freight agreement, the carrier would have to absorb these costs, which can be especially burdensome for smaller carriers.

On the other hand, dead freight agreements provide a level of assurance for shippers that they will not be charged for unused cargo space if unexpected circumstances arise. For example, a shipper may experience delays in the production or delivery of their goods, which might result in less cargo being available for transport. The dead freight agreement ensures that the shipper is only charged for the actual amount of cargo delivered.

How Do Dead Freight Agreements Impact SEO?

As a professional, you might wonder how dead freight agreements relate to online marketing. While it may not be a direct connection, understanding industry jargon and terminology can improve your ability to create high-quality content that resonates with your target audience.

For example, if you write for a shipping and logistics company, incorporating relevant industry keywords like «dead freight agreement» can improve the SEO performance of your content. By using industry-specific terms, you can signal to search engines that your content is authoritative and targeted to a specific audience.

Furthermore, creating content that explains complex topics like dead freight agreements can position your brand as a thought leader in the industry. By providing valuable information and insights to your audience, you can build trust and credibility, which can in turn lead to increased website traffic, engagement, and conversions.


Dead freight agreements may seem like a technical and obscure concept, but they play an important role in the shipping and logistics industry. As a professional, it`s essential to understand industry jargon and terminology in order to create high-quality content that resonates with your target audience. By providing valuable information and insights on complex topics like dead freight agreements, you can position your brand as a thought leader in the industry and drive business results.